Soap Challenge Week 6 Link-Up
It was nice to get back to a design challenge this week, wasn’t it? I finally decided to make one myself, although it isn’t technically a faux funnel pour soap. I wasn’t feeling inspired to do another regular faux funnel pour, but I was inspired to try Anita’s technique. Here’s my cutting video:
In case you skipped the video, the fragrance I used is called Acai & Mangosteen. I think I’ve decided to call the soap Purple Mangosteen. I would imagine most people in the U.S. have never heard of mangosteens, which is why I had to google it just to figure out what it was! I discovered that it’s a tropical evergreen tree, and the fruit of the mangosteen is sweet and tangy, juicy, and somewhat fibrous, with an inedible, deep reddish purple-colored rind when ripe. They are readily available in grocery stores in Australia, but not in North America or Europe.
Some people may have heard of acai, but who really knows how to pronounce it? Acai is also a tropical plant that has gotten more attention lately due to its antioxidant properties. Dr. Perricone, known for his research on the link between diet and healthy skin, lists acai at the top of his list of superfoods – not that there is any of the real acai plant material in the soap!
And here is a photo:

(Reference: Wikipedia,)
I am looking forward to seeing everyone’s faux funnel pour soaps! It’s share time!
Bloggers: Create a post about your faux funnel pour soap – with photos of course! Describe your scent and colors and what inspired you to create your soap. Please include a link back to my blog in your post (either the home page, or this post should work nicely!).
Facebook business page photos: Upload your photo(s) into a photo album, and write a descriptive caption on the photo you are linking up to this post – including the scent of your soap, and how you were inspired. To link the photo, click on it, then copy and paste the URL into the “blog post URL” blank at the top. In the next step, it will show your photo, and you will need to select it. (If you press the “crop” button instead, you can adjust what the thumbnail of your photo will look like.)
YouTubers: You can create a link to a YouTube video of your soap! There will be a little frog icon instead of a thumbnail photo of the soap, but anyone who clicks on your link will be able to see your video. Starting on your video page, click the “share” button and copy the URL. You can use this URL for the “blog post URL” blank. Then in the next step, ignore all the tiny blue boxes and click the “direct image URL” tab across the top and paste the URL of your youtube video in the blank again and hit the “submit query” button.
Uploading a photo from your computer: If you don’t have a blog or business page on facebook or a youtube video, you can still upload a photo from your computer. Just put n/a in the “blog post URL” blank and go to the next step. It will give you an error message, but it will still work! Just click the tab across the top that says “upload from computer” and you will be able to browse your files and upload a photo. I will remove the dead link ASAP.
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Amy, I love your purple mangosteen flowers! They are just beautiful! Using that soap would most certainly make me smile. Thanks again for another great week of fun soapmaking!
Amy I just love your soap and the polka dots are so precious in this application! OOH I can almost smell these!
Amy, I love your soap for this week – it’s so beautiful! Thanks for the challenge – I really had fun making this soap and learned a lot. I really like seeing everyone’s different color combinations too. Looking forward to next week.
Your Mangosteen soap is simply gorgeous, Amy. It has been such a lot if fun doing these challenges and this week was no exception. I’ve enjoyed doing the faux funnel, I had made a few before, but this time I was able to put more thought into it. Everyone’s soaps are so pretty and so different, x Linda
Amy, I love the pattern and colors on your soap! Very nice! I must have done something wrong on my linkup this week. My faux funnel has 4 color and it turned out nice for a first time. Love the challenges-thank you for putting this and the swap together.
These soaps are prettier than any other method I’ve seen since it seems like you just can’t make a mistake unless the soap traces to fast. I’m for sure going to use this technique again! I’ve seen Soap Queen make a similar soap to yours above, but with Cherry Blossoms. I’m going to do that technique as well. Yours is, of course, beautiful! I finally figured how to post my album the way I wanted it. :0)
Thank you for all the wonderful comments! Even though I cheated on my soap this week a bit… Had to do something a little bit different since I’ve done the traditional faux funnel several times! 🙂 I am loving all the beautiful link-up soaps! This was a really fun week for sure! (@Sharon – your link is fixed)
Amy: Your soap is beautiful, I hope to try this flower type of swirl. What are you using to line your mold with, it looks like it would be so much easier than butcher paper.
Thank you, Margo! It’s a foam liner that the mold came with. I still use a piece of butcher paper to line the bottom.
Hi Amy, thank you so much for these challenges. This is the first week I have participated, and I loved every minute of it. I have totally stuffed up the link up though.
@Louisa – So glad you were able to join us!! I fixed up your link, so you’re good to go! 🙂
Was so happy to be able to do the challenge this week! Everybody’s faux’s look amazing!!
WOW, some amazing soaps! Sorry I am late posting my pics; I so LOVED this challenge;
Just saw this purple mangosteen soap on your Facebook wall and had to comment…this is gorgeous soap, Amy! I just love it! The colors, the swirls…everything! Excellent work! :0)
Thank you, Emily! 🙂