DOS caused by…glitter?
I’ll say it up front: this post is more for soapmakers. Everyone else is welcome to read and learn more about the elusive phenomenon that can show up in handmade soap that we refer to as DOS.
DOS (dreaded orange spots) are definitely showing up on the tops of my soaps that have iridescent glitter sprinkled on them. Not all of them – maybe half. The first soap to have issues was the Bayberry from Christmastime. I still have a few of these left, so I took a photo of it along with one I made recently, the Sweet Dark Cherry:

Now to figure out why SOME of the soaps with glitter have DOS, but not all. Could it be that the soaps that had glitter applied more liberally are getting spots? Or the soap wasn’t covered long enough after it was put in the mold?
Anyone else have this problem with glitter?? To me, this seems like a cosmetic problem. From the pattern I’ve observed, I don’t think it’s caused by rancid oils. So the soap is still good, right?
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I’ve never used glitter on my soaps, so can’t speak to having the same problem. But do you think that it is some kind of color change, and not rancidity. If that is the case then it’s not really DOS at all, is it? Maybe a chemical in the glitter that is darkening the soap (the way that vanilla does)?
@Ruth – I hadn’t thought of that possibility, but I suppose it could be… Still the question of why some and not all??
Say it isn’t so!!! 🙂 You know that I use glitter all the time and I’ve yet to get DOS on any of my soaps. Hmm..I’m going to think on this some more.
I use glitter all the time, I get mine from brambleberry. I haven’t had DOS and I’ve used it with various recipes, colors, fragrance. I definitely think it is cosmetic but how and why… not sure. Did you use the same recipe (aside from color and frangrance) for the soaps that have glitter?
I’ve used glitter on my soaps in the past and never had DOS from it. How strange! I agree with Ruth, perhaps it is a stain and not DOS.
@Holly -Yeah, I’m really scratching my head on this one. I’m glad to hear you’ve never had any trouble.
@Michelle – I’ve used my old recipe with RBO on the Bayberry that has the spots, and I’ve used my new recipe without RBO on the Sweet Dark Cherry and others that have gotten spots. The only consistent thing is the glitter, and yet it’s not ALL the glitter soaps. So strange!!
@Erin – Glad to hear you haven’t had trouble with glitter either! I’ve quit using it for now – and no more spots have shown up!
I think its a reaction between the heat of the gelling soap and the medium/material of the glitter, I’ve seen glitter discolor other crafts before due to adhesives, sun, and heat exposure. I’m nearly 100% certain it’s not dos, try a different supplier for cosmetic glitter perhaps?
I have used glitter a few times. Different glitters from different companies and no real problems. I did have one batch of coconut soap that I used it in go totally brown(even used stabilizer) but that was the FO I think more the glitter.
I think you have a mystery on your hands!
@Meghan – Now this makes more sense!! Especially since some fragrances are going to heat up more than others…that would explain why some soaps would discolor and others wouldn’t. I got my glitter from Lotioncrafter, which should be really high quality, but perhaps it is formulated for body glitter or lotion type applications.
@Misty – Wow, I didn’t know the glitter could discolor like that, but perhaps you are onto something. It would seem that this has something to do with the fragrance or heat. Or both!
I’ve never bought glitter from Lotioncrafter before. I get my iridescent ultrafine glitter from MMS and colored glitter powder from Coastal Scents. Never had issues. My glitter is ultra fine powder. LOVE IT! It’s like fairy dust!
Good luck with your Nancy Drew mystery. My guess is Meghan’s guess. A chemical reaction. It’s metal!
@joanna – This glitter is ultrafine as well. I’m leaning toward Meghan’s explanation too. I order from MMS quite often, so I’ll have to get some next time! Thanks!
I’ve had the exact same thing happen, Amy. I used ultrafine glitter and grapefruit FO, both from Brambleberry. The glitter caused what appeared to be DOS on only the tops of the soap where glitter appeared, but not on all of the glittered area. I checked my oils and all of them were fine and the soap smelled nice, so I know it wasn’t really DOS. I haven’t touched the glitter since cause I figured maybe glitter and CP soap just don’t mix, but Meghan’s explanation makes sense. Perhaps I’ll try glitter again with a batch that I know doesn’t heat up too much and see what happens. I’ve experienced no problems with the glitter in MP soap. I’d love to be able to use some glitter on my CP.
@Erica – I hate to say it, but I’m so glad I’m not the only one!!! I gave up the glitter as well, but hopefully not for good. I’ll have to try it again too.
It’s not really the quality of the glitter that causes it it’s what is specifically used to make that type/color of glitter well ok that can be quality too. Now I don’t glitter my soaps but I’m thinking about it maybe I’ll just go with tried and true Bramble Berry’s glitter sometimes paying a little more to have someone test things for you is worth it.
I use glitter, or what I call pixie dust, all the time in a few of my soaps. Never have I had a problem. I do get mine from Bramble Berry. So I can’t say the same from other suppliers. If heat is the problem with it reacting to the glitter…try putting it in the fridge for 24 hours and not letting it gel. Might work. I’ve only had problems with DOS dealing with my studio and the fact that the humidity if super high! I have to shrink wrap my soaps after the month of curing or I have a problem. Heat and humidity kill my soaps. Thank goodness for shrink wrap.
@Meghan & t.a. – Sounds like Brambleberry might be the way to go! 🙂
I didn’t think this looked like DOS. I also use glitter from MMS ultrafine and the fine and never had a problem. I do put the majority of my soaps in the fridge though so that could be why I haven’t had a problem.
I’m so glad that I stumbled across your post, Amy! I’m experiencing the same thing. I used some shredded iridescent glitter to top my soaps, and I’m noticing a few tiny, faint yellowish-orange spots, too. Not on every bar, just a few spots here and there. I doubt anyone else will even notice, but, of course, I see it! I initially wondered if it was DOS, but thought it odd that I was seeing the spots only on the tops of the bars and not anywhere else. They look and smell fine otherwise, and none of my other non-glittered soaps are spotty. I’m thinking it must be something about the glitter, too – I like Meghan’s explanation about the heat reacting with the material in the glitter, and agree with Ruth that it may just be a stain. Strange – I wonder what makes the spots show up in some places and not others? This is my first time using glitter in CP, so it will be interesting to see how future batches with glitter do.