Father’s Day

Yesterday was a pretty big day!

My girls were both baptized:

Younger daughter - before
Younger daughter - coming out of the water
Older daughter - before
Older daughter - after

Our church practices a believer’s baptism, so when the girls were born, we dedicated them to the Lord. This means that we intended to raise them up to know Jesus, but they needed to make the decision for themselves that they would accept Him as their personal Lord and Savior. Within the past year, both girls have made that decision and recently began talking about getting baptized as an outward sign of what has happened in their hearts. We invited both sets of grandparents to come for the weekend and witness their baptisms. We also had a set of “adopted” grandparents (who live here locally) come as well.

My in-laws on the left, my parents on the right

And finally, my older daughter decided she was ready to get her ears pierced! My parents came with us to Claire’s, on their way out of town. My daughter was a real trooper, but I think it hurt worse than she thought it would! Fortunately, she had asked to have them both done at the same time! You can see the manager had quite a bit of experience. My daughter asked her how many piercings she had, and she said 25 in each ear!

Now we're happy!!

Oh, and we also got my husband a new electric razor that he had been needing!

Hope you all had a great weekend too! I have a long list of soapy things to do this week, so I better get started…

Page with Comments

  1. Very cool! It sounds like a good day was had all around! My husband’s gift is a new razor too, but we haven’t been able to find one he wants yet! 🙂
    .-= Holly´s last blog post ..Too Soft =-.

  2. Our church also has baptisms for children rather than baptizing babies. It’s such a wonderful time when your child gets baptized. I still remember my baptism. I felt so clean and perfect. What a great Father’s Day!
    .-= Amy@homemade bath products´s last blog post ..Grease Monkey Soap =-.

  3. This is my all-time favorite post of yours! (Sorry soap!) I just love that your girls made this profession and that it was celebrated in such a wonderful, family, way. Every time I witness a baptism, I cry and apparently, I don’t even have to see it in person, because I cried, real running down my face, tears just looking at the pictures of your girls. We celebrate “Saved Day” in our family. My son was six when he accepted Christ (I was actually able to record in on an old tape recorder — so precious!)and every year on that day we take him to our local Christian bookstore and he gets to pick out a treat to acknowledge his special day. “Saved Day” is one of my favorite family traditions…

  4. Awwww, CONGRATULATIONS to your girls!!!!
    .-= Muthering Heights´s last blog post ..Marriage Tips From the Crusie Ship – Installment 1: Rejuvenate Your Marriage! =-.

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