Returning Customers are KEY.

I spent all day Friday and Saturday at a Holiday Mart hosted by A Unique Boutique. I had more sales this weekend than at any other event in the history of Great Cakes Soapworks! Let me tell you, it wasn’t because there was a ton of traffic coming through, because there wasn’t. The majority of my sales came from my returning customers.

Fully stocked booth - before customers arrived
Fully stocked booth - before customers arrived

Two days before the event, the location of the Holiday Mart changed. (Something about not having working restrooms at the other facility.) I sent out an email to my customers letting them know where we were moving. I also let them know that my prices were going to be at an all-time low. Then I posted about it on Facebook, just for good measure. And they came! And they shopped! And they were happy to see me because they needed Christmas gifts!

I can tell you why there wasn’t much traffic coming through: poor advertising. It was all focused on the signs posted around the shopping area. And we were in a heavy traffic area – close to Target, several restaurants, the huge AMC Theater, and next door to a large Christian book store. However, the signs said things like “HUGE SALE” “Merchandise Mart” “SALE”. If I was out shopping, I probably I would not have stopped.

So let me just tell you – if you have a business, you better have an email list. The girl next to me selling candles was NOT having a very good weekend. And the girl on the other side of her selling jewelry wasn’t either. They both had excellent handmade products, but they both packed up early and left before it was done. Neither one had any way to communicate with their customers – but I assure you the candle girl will be starting her list soon!

Do you have a business? How do you communicate with your customers?

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  1. Great looking stall, so glad you did well because stalls are a lot of work and effort. Next year our studio will be up and running with a dedicated retail area. I will be placing more focus on bringing local customers to me, something I have not done for the 5 years I have been in this business. Communication is the key to keeping customers updated and helping them to remember you for their shopping. I also need to get some to remove the cheap gift idea from their heads because they will buy gifts to the value of $150 from the chemist, instead of buying a big brimming basket of goodies from us handcrafters. We need $150 and $250 sales from a single customer too.
    .-= Sharon´s last blog post ..Soap Workshop or Soap Studio Progress =-.

  2. did you learn that little trick from a book that you read?? I keep all our contact too! YOur a smart business woman!! Have a Merry Christmas!

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