Why Join the Soap Challenge Club? (I’m scared…)
I believe most of my readers are familiar with the monthly Soap Challenge Club that I host each month. This is just a quick post to encourage those who may be on the fence about joining in the fun! I’ve spoken to several soapmakers in person as well as via email who have been shy about signing up for the challenges. I believe most of them simply feel they can’t compete or their skills aren’t “up to par”. And to that I say – “Pshaw!!!”
Three Reasons To Re-Consider If This Is You:
1. Joining the Challenge Club will push you to do things with soap that you had either never dreamed possible or would never have done on your own.
Here’s some feedback I received from a first time participant last month:
“It’s definitely a great learning experience and it’s so interesting to see all the creativity out there. I’ll definitely keep taking part. It was really fun to push myself to do something new and the next 3 months will push me some more.” -Fran
2. It’s a great way to meet other soapmakers and receive some amazing encouragement and feedback!
While it’s possible to register for the challenge, see the tutorial, make your soap and remain anonymous by not sharing it, I believe that’s just cheating yourself of the full experience! I understand it feels risky to put your work out there, and sometimes life just gets in the way, but I promise to personally visit each submission and leave encouraging feedback, and a lot of the other members will make comments like these:
“Your soap looks stunning and amazing!”
“Now that is really fantastic!! Really beautiful! Love all the different elements that went together to make this soap!”
“Ahh, what a beautiful soap. I love your idea and colors. Congrats well done”
“What a cute idea! They look great”
“This is so beautiful! You are a true artist.”
“Excellent job! It looks incredible :)”
3. Your creativity and soapmaking talent will grow!
One of my favorite things about seeing so many members return month after month is to see the improvement in their skills! I could call out several people, but I’ll just tell this one story without naming any names. I remember meeting one of our members at the Central Soaper’s Workshop last year when she was a brand-new soapmaker. In the past year she has participated in every challenge and is even entering her soaps in other contests! Her work just continues to improve and amaze me!
Quote from yet another member: “The challenges are great for making us all better soap makers!”
And that, my soapy friends, is why the Challenge Club exists!
The April Challenge Club is all about the Spinning Swirls:

Of course, this month we are doing something a little bit different and special for the international soapmakers. Anyone who is outside the U.S. will have their very own link-up and their very own prize! I’m so pleased that Gracefruit Ltd. is excited to sponsor this portion of the challenge with a £50 gift certificate for first place and a £25 gift certificate for their Sponsor’s Choice prize. Spread the word!
Shout out to Mad Oils for sponsoring the U.S. portion of the challenge as well! Don’t worry – everyone who enters gets to vote in both contests!
You have two options to register this week only (closes Monday, April 6 at 2pm CST):
1. Register for the April Challenge only for $5.95
2. Register for the April, May and June for just $15.00 (April +$9.05)
Don’t miss out! For more info about May & June challenges and to register:
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I just registered for my 12th challenge (actually 12, 13, and 14). Have I won any? Nope, haven’t even placed. Most months I haven’t even registered any votes. But I always receive encouraging comments. And most importantly, I ALWAYS learn something new. And that is why I keep coming back. I don’t make a lot of soap. Most months the only soap I make is my challenge soap. But I believe these challenges have made me a better soap maker. Thank you, Amy!
@Janelle – I so appreciate your feedback!! You have been a rockstar challenge club member! I love seeing what you come up with – always very creative!
The soap challenge is like Christmas every month. I wait anxiously to see what the next challenge is going to be. And when the email arrives I “unwrap” it like a present dying to see what is inside. It brings excitement to the monotony of normal day to day business, introduces you to new people and teaches you new techniques. I love the soap challenge. Thanks Amy for all your hard work.